It's a...

Gender-reveal's a boy!
Girl! Just kidding. It’s a boy! That’s basically how our twenty-week ultrasound—the one where you can find out the baby’s gender—went. The doctor was pretty certain it was a girl at first, then continued the exam, so we had a good 15 minutes to think we were having a little princess. Then, right as the doctor was finishing up, the baby moved and we heard, “Wait, I think it’s a boy!” It was a bit of an emotional roller coaster—we had quickly gotten attached to the idea of the little heart and long legs on the monitor belonging to a daughter—but we’re thankful that our son decided to stop being so shy at the last minute, or else we would’ve been in for a much bigger surprise later in the delivery room! Also, can you tell that Nick is excited?
Husband's reaction to boy baby news
Gender-reveal announcement ideas: take photos with blue or pink balloons
Gender-reveal announcement with blue or pink balloons
Announce the baby's gender with blue or pink balloons
To share the news with our parents, we had a small get-together that evening. This sweater was a fun way to keep everyone guessing whether it could be a garçon or a fille—that’s boy or girl en français. Just like our pregnancy announcement, we relied on our firstborn, Daphne, to break the news. After we tied blue balloons to her collar, she ran into the living room, almost took down a few glasses of wine, and hid under the dining room table. She clearly can’t wait to have a little brother!

Gender-reveal party idea: tie blue or pink balloons to the dog

Gender-reveal announcement ideas: blue or pink balloons for the family dog
More pictures from our gender-reveal party coming soon!

P.S. Five unexpected things from my first trimester.


  1. LOL the pic of your husband is cracking me up. We were in such shock when we found out after 5 weeks that we were having a boy instead of a girl. Craziness!

    Lee Anne

    1. It was hard enough to go from one gender to another during those 15 minutes. I can't imagine 5 weeks! That must have been so crazy. I hope you weren't too traumatized (I'll admit that I was at first). But hooray for boys! Congrats!
